
My name is Sarah. Before anything else, I am a tireless lover of taste. Eating — I’m not ashamed to say — is my favorite pastime. Eating is followed closely by cooking, and cooking by writing. Which brings us here. To Spoken Food.

I have spent the last decade working in the food industry as a farmer, server, line cook, and personal chef. Currently, I’m working remotely as a food writer.

My philosophy is this — As humans, we need clean air, water, and nourishment to live, but good food is what allows us to thrive. It captures our shared history, gives an outlet for creativity, provides a means to communicate. It is a constantly evolving picture of what matters to each of us. It is anticipation and patience, sweet and bitter. It is our culture, our language, all that we have been, and what we will someday be.

Here at Spoken Food you will find recipes, snapshots of my travels, and poetic musings about fried chicken etc.

Enjoy! Thanks for eating with me.